What's Next For You?

3 years ago I was in a stressful job that I knew (for a long time) wasn’t for me.

2.5 years ago I took proactive action to start the search for something more aligned with my values, strengths, and my ideal life. I knew the next thing didn’t have to be my forever thing, just my next thing.

A little over 2 years ago I joined a new company and started a new job.

This new path (and support from coaches, mentors, and friends) allowed me the space to find clarity around how I wanted to make an impact on the world (for now).

I recognized that I wanted to bridge my mindfulness passion and experience with my day job in order to bring more balance, focus, and flow into people's lives and transform the workplace. And that to do this successfully I wanted to pursue my professional coaching certification and become a meditation teacher.

Fast forward through a lot of work, dedication, fun, commitment, and recommitment…

This week I wrapped up a 6-week corporate mindfulness program where I taught 40 Cisco leaders how to experience more focus and less stress (with many more programs to come in 2020), I have my own mindfulness coaching practice, and I started a flower crown party business that brings my creative side so much joy.

While my story is certainly not over and always evolving, there are some key points that I’d like to share because they are relevant to most of the clients I work with, so may apply to you too:

  1. ACTION: What made the difference in my life was not the decision to pursue a new path, it was taking action. Decision without action is futile.

  2. MINDSET: My mindset was to find the next right thing for me, not putting pressure on myself to figure out the thing I would do for the rest. of. my. life. That’s not realistic because we just don’t know where life will take us, but so many of my clients are in a state of arrested development because of the belief that the next thing has to be THE thing. Nope. It just has to be one step closer to aligning with who you are and what you want your life to be.

  3. CLARITY: During my consulting career, my mind, schedule, and life was so busy, I couldn't even see where I really wanted to take my life's work next. It took a little bit of space, mindfulness, and slowing down to allow that clarity to come through, after years of repressing it due to my incessant busyness.

  4. FLOW: I'm a planner... always have been and don't plan on that changing. We have to plan, and do, but what has brought so many amazing opportunities into my life has also been being open to follow what comes my way, despite my plans. In all honesty, I had anticipated leaving my full time corporate gig by this point, but when an opportunity to run a mindfulness program within my day job came across, I knew that was my next step. In fact, it couldn't be more perfect for me and was better than my plan. As my dear friend says, "I'm DTF... Down to Flow". :)

As we enter the next decade, is this an opportunity for you to get clear on what you want your life to look like and start taking action to get to the next step?

I vote YES!

This will be my last blog post of the year as I'm going to spend time being present with friends, family, and myself, practicing the art of being instead of doing.

Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to chat! I'm still offering my coaching session gift cards until the end of the year and opening up time slots for additional client sessions in the new year.

All the best!

Elizabeth St. JohnComment