How our brains respond to fear

Shit feels a little crazy right now… Covid-19 is activating fundamental fear we have individually and as a global community. I’m not here to tell you any facts around the virus or if people are overacting. But what I can offer is a simple tool to help us all calm down and approach our emotions, reactions, and our decisions with our more focused and rational minds.

Though I’m not a scientist, I can tell you based on neuroscience research from the work I’m doing with Potential Project that our brains are pretty predictable. When we are faced with any threat or fear, our Reptilian Brain activates our sympathetic nervous system (kicks on our fight or flight mode). This was very useful from an evolutionary perspective when we were literally worried about the danger of lions, but it still drives our nervous system’s response to any threat, real or perceived, global pandemic, or just some mildly inconvenient traffic.

When our sympathetic nervous system is activated, our body automatically rushes blood to our outer limbs, quite literally preparing us to fight or flee. And that Reptilian Brain response overshadows the processing power of our Neo-Cortex, the part of our brain that allows us to make rational, logical decisions.

Research also shows that 95% of our decisions are based on our emotions. Our emotions stem from our Limbic Brain, which can also overshadow our calm, rational mind.

But not all hope is lost. I bring all this up because it can be helpful to understand what’s happening to our physiology in times of stress or threats. This awareness will allow us to pause and take action from a place of balance and discernment.

Just pausing briefly and taking three deep belly-expanding breaths will activate the parasympathetic nervous system, moving your body into rest and digest mode. This also allows your Neo-Cortex to have more of a say in the committee of your brain so you can move forward with rational, logical thoughts instead of a fight or flight mentality. Check out this Harvard Health article which outlines a very simple breathing technique you can try right now.

So yeah, with apocalyptic rhetoric and fear-inducing “facts” swirling around right now, it’s only natural that your Reptilian and Limbic Brains start moving into overdrive to keep you and your family safe from any real or perceived threats.

And the invitation is to use your mindfulness practice to pause and give yourself an opportunity to take action from the logical advanced part of your mind so you can truly discern the best course of action you want to take, or the thoughts you choose to ruminate on.

It’s a simple tool and this seems like a welcoming opportunity to try it on if you don’t already have a mindfulness practice. As individuals and as a global community, I believe a little more mindfulness can support all of us right now.

If you aren’t sure where to start, snag your free Mindfulness Starter Kit.
