How to Keep from Falling

I’ve been putting nearly all my energy into preparing for a 5-week corporate mindfulness program I launched this week, and it’s been a great reminder of the importance of balance. It would certainly be ironic if as a mindfulness coach and meditation teacher I burnt myself out while working to spread these practices… but living a balanced life requires intention, it doesn’t just happen.

What does balance really mean, anyway? While researching the official definitions, the one that struck me as most relevant is: verb - keep or put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.

Balance as a verb. To keep you from falling.

Perfect balance all the time isn’t possible. I’ve been a part of countless conversations around “work-life balance” or really, “work-life integration”. And how many moms try and try to strike the right balance between parenting and working and relationships, realizing balance may not be an achievable thing.

But it is worth noting where you feel off balance so you don’t fall.

What does balance mean for you? I can tell you for sure that it’s not the same for everyone.

For me it looks like the sweet spot between stress and rest in the work I’m creating in the world. Being healthy without gripping so tightly on to all the “rules” around living a healthy lifestyle that it’s exhausting. And many other things…

Why should you care about balance? It helps you feel safe and centered so you can put your energy towards the things you want in this life. It's nearly impossible to create the life you want from a place of fear of falling, conscious or subconscious.

Mindfulness In Action:

  1. Pause and think about these areas of your life. Where do you feel you could benefit from more balance?

    • Family

    • Career

    • Personal Development

    • Finances 

    • Relationships

    • Spirituality

    • Play

    • Health

  2. What’s one thing (big or small) you can do this week to get the seesaw to a more even place in your most off-balance area? (do seesaws even exist anymore on playgrounds?? Seems unsafe...)

  3. Tip: Remember to practice self-compassion in your pursuit of balance… it’s not possible to achieve all the time and if you’re trying too hard to grasp for balance, you’re putting your well-being out of balance, so just be mindful and gentle with yourself.

It’s my job to help you become aware of where you could benefit from a little more balance, then excel from that place. If you’re not worried you’re going to fall, you experience greater ease and productivity. 

Get in touch if you’re ready to chat!


Elizabeth St. John1 Comment