Those Pesky Wire Hangers

One Sunday afternoon this spring I found myself barefoot in my closet with a bundle of warm clothes in my arms, fresh from the dryer. I went to hang up one of my tops and my eyes darted around my closet as I panicked that the only available hangers I had left were those damn wire hangers from the dry cleaners.

Oh how I despise those hangers for leaving my shirts scarred for life with mis-shaped pointy shoulders. 

Then I had to summon the strength of the Hulk to pry open one of the pesky clips on a metal pants hanger to hang a pair of jeans. 

Not enough hangers. Too many of the wrong kind. Not enough room. 

Sure, a minor inconvenience, but one I dealt with daily.

So finally I said, F it.

That afternoon I ordered a s#it ton of those thin, black velvety hangers. When they arrived, I invested some time and energy transferring, donating, and ditching the old ones. It got messy in the middle but didn't take long. Sweet relief!

Now every day when I interact with my closet, I don’t trigger my sympathetic nervous system, even every so slightly, sending stress through my body and frustration through my mind. I’ve taken care of it and can use that energy for more important things in my life. 

Like adding pennies to a jar one by one.

These seemingly minor inconveniences that we deal with daily add up. They take a toll whether we realize it or not. 

What’s your version of my hanger scenario? 

What inconvenience do you continue to put up with, or truth you choose to ignore, and keep pushing aside?

All those solo socks that have lost their partner that frustrate you every time you open your sock drawer?
Maybe I’ll find the missing one… I’ll deal with this later. 

When you log in to work on Monday and that ominous feeling arises that you’re selling out for a paycheck and good benefits?
It is what it is. Keep distracted with the buzz of busyness and forget about it for today. 

That exciting idea you have that gets you all riled up, fills your stomach with butterflies, and sends your mind racing with potential, but you don’t take the first step.
That’s not for me. 

Every time you ignore these feelings, you’re adding pennies to the jar. It’s going to get heavy. It’s going to weigh you down. 

Every time you ignore these feelings you're moving further away from yourself, your authenticity, and a juicer life you could be living. 

If you’re sick of feeling stuck, trapped, or stagnant, good news is that you’ve actually curated this life you’re in moment by moment, decision by decision. (even if it doesn’t feel that way).

And with a different mindset and different actions (gotta take care of the internal before the external, y’all), you can curate a different life for yourself. Maybe totally different if that's what you want, or maybe just a little more fulfilling than what you’re workin with now. 

I don’t have all your answer for you, but I do have a path and strategies that can help. 

Check out my one-on-one programs (Mindset Mastery Program & Mindset Reset Program) if you’re sick of dealing with those damn pesky wire hangers and ready for something new. Apply here.
