Are you up for a little exploration?

Learn something about yourself and bring more joy into your week with this 30 min (fo free!) activity.

“Find your passion!” … ugh, that phrase. It can feel so daunting and loaded.

How the heck am I supposed to just find my passion? And if I do find something I feel “passionate” about, whatever that means, am I supposed to just leave my job and take a leap for something I don’t know how to do, don’t know if makes money, and that will spur my friends and family to have an intervention with me because they think I’ve gone of the deep end??

If that sounds like you at all, I get it. There’s a whole “passion guilt” thing going on in our society… an expectation that either you’ll have some epiphany and cosmically discover your passion, or worse, you never find “it”, and succumb to a life of monotony and feeling like something’s missing. And if you’re not monetizing your passion, does that really even count??

But it doesn’t have to be so all or nothing.

I’ve combined my professional coaching and Design Thinking expertise to create a simple, easy, and fun method that will help you uncover what I’m calling your passion (by the way, you have lots of passions, not just one), but really all that means is tapping in to what lights you up… what gets you excited… what peaks your curiosity… what you do that makes you feel in flow and at ease while also stimulates and excites you at the same time.

You’re busy. You have a million things you want to do. And I KNOW that bringing more of YOUR unique passions and interests into your daily life will give you more energy, make you feel more fulfilled, and will have a positive snow ball effect on your life.

Consider this 30 minute activity an exploration experiment. An experiment that you can’t fail at… but that you can only learn from.

What to expect from the Passion Map Method:

  • 4 short videos where I guide you through a step-by-step creative process to uncover YOUR unique passions and interests

  • You’ll walk away with a expansive list of your passions and ~3 specific and realistic actions you can take this week

  • What does it take? Just 30 minutes of uninterrupted time and a few simple supplies (templates are also included)

  • This is a totally free gift and my intention is that it ignites something in you that bring some joy to your week (I’m sure it will!)

Drop your info in below to have the Passion Map Method delivered to your inbox shortly!
